I am learning to breathe.
Two panic attacks and a change in medication
Have brought me to this place
Of floating inside outside myself
Mind flux
Wondering what will happen
When my mind short circuits my ability to work
And I am left leaving
Downshift to upshift?
I am learning to breathe.
Chest cold body temperature three degrees below normal
Subnormal yet hyper aware
Body seismic earthquake
Reverse flu habitat
Mind shifting from sand to sea
Drifting spaces panic to calm
Two hours to normal
Wandering seize.
I am learning to breathe.
Some rhythmic flow
Do not circle my mind
Pace my feet
Hour after hour
Robbing my sleep
Reach beyond
For-Next loop
Outside connection
Teach me to breathe.
I am learning to breathe.
God of the obvious
Guide my awareness
Even though I don't quite believe
I know I can do
More than myself
Love breathe connect
Beyond this place
You are
More I can be
Denis Streeter 1/19/14