upstage legions of graph reform bit duster cabinets sideways spirited into fly zones shielding shelters from cracker dried spirit creams dressing peanut butter shoehorned by rabbit cucumbers salt shakering bats singing howdy doody shackled to wine yodeled cats dreaming in rose insolent guns of Heimlich maneuvers wandering ghettos trafficking otoscopes in lather street crimes of consciousness feeding scraps of persona nongratin strip mauls of teachers pets mickeys cousins peet and tabberinth farms dripping bored rabbits sleepy oxygen into hybrid cocoon shadow afternoons contrite sugar snap peas blackberry muffins lather field mice leather bottle tricks blind blanched buttons tricky ditches hiss and moan farming toes blossom botched tea leaves bitter orange rind drying breakfast blind time holes Solomon sought two headed Cyclops one at a time.
denis streeter 7/30/17