Sunday, December 29, 2019


what do they do
with what they unearth
under construction
i must admit
i don't care enough to save the earth
except separate for recycle
i probably will not
buy a hybrid
which is for the middle class liberal socially aware
too afraid to believe in anything more than mother earth
it is an exaggeration
to separate in such black and white terms
all i want to do is get along
yet i also want to challenge people's belief structures
hoping i will learn from them as they learn from me
which is why i
listen to cnn npr and fox news
to gain more than i perceive
what might be overlooked
by one or the other
help complete what i think
is true or untrue
or something fuzzier
neither side knows
competing ideologies
what is the commonality
the difference
the sliding scale of don't know
not enough information
now i know in part
then i shall know fully
even as i am fully known
but really am i fully known?
that assumes i believe in one god
doesn't it?
and these three remain:
faith hope and love
but the greatest of these is love
and love is the bridge i want to see
bridging between liberal and conservative
i don't see it
be not afraid and fear get in the way
i don't want to get into sentiment
like love will show you the way
but i will check my recycle
clean motor oil out of my plastic container
i have containment issues
one thought bursts forth and struggles with the other
sometimes wit wins and i can breathe
feeling like i can see more fully
but when i panic attack
i close in and nothing seems possible
there is prayer
but i don't want to talk about that
yet i do
what do i say
am i trying to sway you?
what will i unearth
where will it go
this running well
what will it do?

denis streeter    12/29/19

Sunday, December 8, 2019


The rest of the corbital was ill gotten
A swob in the pestolence to come
An orange and apple survive the malaise
Conduct notwithstanding
Onions a listening shoe
Out for bad behavior
No motion yet, too soon to count
Board games bring cheer to the bored
Swaying from Jeopardy to The Price is Right
No need for styrofoam.  Underwear stinks
Raise the microphone do the math
We don't get out here free
The druthers wait. They're soul survivors
Even when songs get in the way they raft it
Just to see how the caves behave
Half a stone and a rudder
Too much for too little
How does it sway
Too long.  Pai Thai away
You know the song.  It's half a beer
Too far along.  A tap away
All around the table hits surprise
It's not for after
Each afternoon from waste to dry
Goes the digeridoo.  Hopping from one foot to the other
I'd find a trade but it's a bother
No need looking at your shoes
The cheese is out sock in another 
Too late to try.  You can always fan
Not enough to chew or swallow
What's math got to do with it
It ends as it starts
A corbital of strays
Trying to think straight
Try another

Denis Streeter.     12/7/19