Tuesday, June 15, 2021


breathed into silence
a broken wing stripped clean
hollow bone
egg glue creation
an instrument
flewn of ancient 
flute through
true to its
its what
its form
bone draws sky
music from hollow
shift ears eyes heart
mind an empty shell waiting to be filled
searching wisdom 
bone waits becoming 
depth fills tiny holes
an ocean gladness
fills mind
flewn ears eyes heart soul
senses one
capture them
bone holes music
you can fly
you can sing
you can know

denis streeter   6/15/21

Inspired by David Almond's book Bone Music

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

poetry in motion

a kind of learning
i don't know what it is
a kind of transforming
i don't know what it is
leads me to strange places
rooms i wander
circular directions
take me home
to where i am more myself
whatever that is
ever since i was a little boy, i always wanted to be
a philosopher
thinker not betrayer
no judas in me
i've lived a life not knowing who i am
a teacher of sorts, in the pure sense
i learn from them, they learn from me
just not an automaton 
i want to speak my mind and not muffle it
there's the rub
does it make you employable?
know your strengths
know others
then you can know yourself
but does that ever happen?
this introversion not good for me
i must dance
i hear music that moves my soul
and in the dance i forget myself
there is nothing but perfect motion
deeper livelier than anything i know
poetry in motion
and with that poetry comes wit
is it?
or song
singing connectedness to each situation
through my bones
that feels eternal
completely myself

denis streeter   6/8/21

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

A kind of respect


Worms may be savvy 
Their burrowing ways
Moles for reflection
Turning upward
Is it religion
Is that the right thing to say
Heaven opens
Is that a sunrise
Seems like such a flat word
Intellectuals use to put you down
But not under
Worms search metaphors
Find them flavorless
We are not worms
They reside in us
Take samples of us
Destroy us 
In our eden
Is worm the snake
Choose your context
Bury or cremation
For mother i chose cremation
One for her body
The other for burning pictures of her dead body
Sis took the pictures
A sort of proof of her death
Burning pictures a kind of respectful ceremony
Backyard by the old garage
A letting go
She dreams inside my head

Denis Streeter.   5/25/21