I don't like April Fools Day. The whole pranks thing it's just for fun don't you have a sense of humor. Yes I do, but it feels more like emotional cruelty. And once you prank, the other person retaliates. Count me out. So I was not in a good mood...plus it rained all day...making me feel worse. I may regret this...
On that note, here's
When Adam & Eve conceived God
The world was without form and void
So Adam & Eve conjured up in their minds
Something to blame of everything
And that was called God
And it was very good
Then God raised Caine
Created a flood to wipe out the earth
Tortured Job as a game with the devil
What Job didn't know was that God was the devil
Then God had a three way
And called it the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost
Just to confuse the hell out of everyone
For God was Hell
And Adam & Eve felt bad conceiving God
Especially when God conceived Jesus
Who he tortured by killing him on a cross
And confusing countless generations
When Adam & Eve knew
The world was without form and void.
Denis Streeter 4/1/11
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