Tuesday, June 26, 2012


That's the title to a great picture book by David Wiesner which won the Caldecott in 1991.  If you have not seen this marvelous book, you're in for a treat.  To say more would spoil the mystery. 

Tuesday is also the day I had hernia surgery.  It went well and I am grateful for so many who held me in prayer and support.  I will be about a week or two in recovery...we'll see.  I usually heal quickly but won't push it.  I feel good now.  We'll see how I'm feeling in the next 24-48 hours.  I have Oxycodone and Senna Plus to help me out with that...which I will only take when necessary. 

I have lots of reading and hopefully poetry to write.  If I write or read something I feel is good, you'll probably see it here.

1 comment:

  1. Denis! Glad to hear it went well. Did you get my message?

    - Amy
