Sunday, March 19, 2017


all warning otherwise went out the window
looking for a sinner in flies
there was nothing in the daffodil
nothing in the eyes
just a torrent of empty song
and a beaver to sing with it
must resist it sounded wouldn'd
but I didn't
it jumped me
I went into the pantry and grabbed a wooden spoon
feeling rather beat up
the cookies went into oven
feeling baked

all city dogstreams go down center
where the dogs began to fly
out the noise indoors
the kings began to flounce
don't know what they're flouncing for
don't know what it means
it know it's not from fleece, flace, flounce
it's not Germanic
it's not a fluid ounce
it's not a doorway

don't move around impatiently to my annoyance
the flounce picked up its spatula and walked away
forgetting he was a wooden spoon
another wooden actor on a decked up stage
too early for laughter not enough for crying
get off stage!

okay I set the hybrid aside
not enough information for the sandwich
tmi you know tmi!
you squash that banquet right quick!
there's not enough juno in that snow!

yah got me there
I was an elephant in a past life, now I'm a donkey's ass
are you subhuman if you don't care about politics
there's no I beg your pardon
that flounces the scene
except of the flouncy kind
you do the arithmetic!
time coach!

I wish you were ashaft already
I'd set you aside before
now my taffy is gone
traded for my choosy sugar
only a batchelor would know
drafting for more but not a beer cabinet
request the floor
must resist the door, but there it is

damn shoe fly again
thought I'd sent it to Costa Rica
instead it came back with a salmon
I didn't think there was any salmon there
I didn't ask

google is an oddstrument
its present tense is not gargle
right in front of me was a spade
I dug down
flounced about

denis streeter   3/18/17

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