Sunday, December 24, 2017

it is done

there was nothing left in the school
a dried muffin and a spool
the fool was empty and the food had gone
the sad behind the counter
exit stencil without harm
one deck to another
why reshuffled
it wasn't the answer they desired
not enough for the soul
a tunic contrived a flying cap
the ribbon wasn't called
writing above the wheel
just a shine in the storm
drinking kettles the fire was burning
when stealing the sand
rafter change the table set
chairs the stools rearranged
a bit of shelter
the weather changed the fools yipped the wolves mange
half were green and half were blue
they hadn't changed their tails
the weather eaten fireflies to horse
stars sent eaches to far kept bars
tar reach grab of ocean
whining under moonshine
cryptic goats shivering reins
pains in scotch where rivers fly
shadowing the knows with the nots
risk was shirking no one gleaning
weather shoved a dance away
it had to be ill defined
onions shopped for ladders moonshine bought and sold
dead as delivered
sugar wrinkled wrappers 
it had to be ill defined
wandering along for the ride
letters empty realigned
rippling rafter dogs said nothing
wolfing howl q'ed no more
song too lean
old times the teeth arranged
candle steamed its crooked core
wrong but sheltering right
left behind the icy moor
water restore, washing wax free
drying sun set the trays
lunch a lonely hour
snow in blithe sublime
there is no shelter
a manger a star a light
three kings set the night
stories told, scripts revised
revisionists roared writing wrongs
reading wept when wrote
truth dredging pools behind stools
wandering rules
nothing nixed the shelter
the bones were free
alive alone
stone seals open
it is done

denis streeter   12/24/17

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Humility: Humor's tale

I'm one of those people who's never sick
I've figured anyone who called in sick was either lazy or lacked discipline
I remember only one time during K through 12 when I was sick
It was grade school and I was walking up the steps when I passed out
I was sent to the nurse's office who called my mother
wondering why she sent her son to school with a fever
It humiliated her, so I made sure it never happened again
I come from a family who's never sick
So when I came down sick and had to go to the doctor
she said I had pneumonia
i looked around the room to see if someone else was there
but no, she was talking to me
how could that be?
I'm one of those people who's kind of gotten sick
how could I have pneumonia?
sure I've had a fever, but it only lasts a couple days then I'm back to work
I'm one of those people who's hardly ever sick
I figured anyone who called in sick was either lazy or lacked discipline
it's what i've always thought but never said
Now I've been laid up for 5 of 6 work days
I was sick 2 days, came to work Wednesday
because I wasn't sick. it was Employee Shopping Day
I wanted that extra 10% off
I was coughing up phlegm on Wednesday night
So I called in sick Wednesday morning
No. Wait a minute. It was Thursday morning
I barely know how to call in sick
My doctor said to call in Thursday and Friday
and i even mess that up
did i say Wednesday and Thursday or Thursday and Friday off
I wasn't sure what day it was
I always feel incredibly guilty
sure it's okay if other's call in sick
they have good reasons, I rationalize
because it's generally not a good thing to say
they're lazy and lack discipline
so when i got a call Friday morning from the HR director
wondering why i wasn't at work on Friday morning
I didn't answer my phone
I had it turned off
didn't get the message 'til 5pm
why would anyone want to reach me during the daytime
Besides, I was sick
So I was angry
i'm sure i said i wouldn't be in Friday
the doctor said i wouldn't be in Friday
I'm not sure i said i wouldn't be in Friday
But i was sick, so i'm not sure of what i said
i'm often not sure of what i've said
I'm a very careful person
so i know
they are lazy and lack self discipline
but now
what does that make me?
i'm on codeine, ampicillin, and an inhaler
because I have pneumonia
but I couldn't have pneumonia
sometimes i wish ignorance was bliss
but i can't, because
I'm one of those people who never gets sick
aren't I?

denis streeter 12/10/17