Sunday, September 2, 2018


there are two versions.  one is my first draft.  the second is pared back to only 8 lines with the help of my best friend.  there could be any number of versions.

the sex was normal for ice cream               1
wrapping the diner for dinner     
the vegetables were dining room table   
chicken spread dumplings on fire        2
salmon fries French Hammond 
an artichoke of beer and hare        3
beef it out to beat a pair
dutch pudding posing as extract
an onion reading muffin burn
too many sandwiches to count       4
over tadpole nutrition
suckers of lollypops dress down cabinets
watch the toothache burn           5
sutures beyond repair
the scene beyond control
butter bat pried on fire              6
too fat the cataract said the cat
not enough bone on the scone said the rat
the sun laughed at the cat rat folly
soon, she said, soon
but it was already noon
there was no hopscotch on the pavement  
the stones were dry.  it didn't matter                  7
the sun still had a laugh
it didn't matter 'bout the math
sooner or later the dust always falls            8
the traffic turns empty
bog turns to fog
the frog turns away

denis streeter   9/1/18

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