I was yawning when the earwigs came running
Dripping their spouts through the open air
I lay a toadstool and let them come in
Furniture dripping in the cows of night
I lay a table with rags and rugs
Into their skins they run and swim
Thinking some cartwheels or circus might come
Snuggling in tight to mitten a kiss
And the dreams come running, drums tangerine
Dressing formaldehyde to keep them warm
While the sticks play tricks with the camphor bunnies
Dust balls rolling in camphor snow
With the cameras hidden an earwig away
Soft as a hat and yawning
Dripping their sprouts through the open air
Tenderhooks yawn, turn tighter than drums
Dreams come running to tangerine reply
Soft as a hat and yawning
I open my earwigs and listen.
Denis Streeter 2/27/11
I really like the last 3 lines & also the image/word repetition. Very imaginative! CC