Saturday, February 26, 2011

Time flux

Set alarm last night
Woke up on time
Put CD in tv and listened to
Co-worker borrowed Dead Kennedys Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables
Did exercises, made lunch, got ready for work
Put in Crowfoot CD, unique folksy contra-dance music
The polar opposite of the Dead Kennedys
I realized about the Dead Kennedys...
They were and are a great punk rock band I would have loved to hear live
A real raw power but not really that good...with the exception of a few songs
Like "California Uber Alles" and "Holiday in Cambodia"...which were hits for them
And I still like...they have a kind of subversive politically incorrectness that's oddly fun
But then I wanted to hear something completely different...
Crowfoot is excellent musicianship and a well crafted recording...with a different young folksy energy
Somewhere between the two differences I was thrown off kilter
Or maybe it was the night before
Time slip...
Got in my car, turned on the radio to my favorite station...running late...
I think...
But wait a minute...
They're playing news and not music...
Wait a minute...
They don't play news unless it's before 9 AM
Look at my car clock...8:40 AM
It's 13 minutes fast now
But I'm more like one hour fast
I usually don't leave until my car clock reads 9:35 AM
Time slip...
The night before
Set my alarm too early
I drive around the neighborhood wondering what to do...
Finally come home
Put in some more Crowfoot
Type up this journal entry and
Where is my mind...
Hopefully I'll find it sometime today
Drive on time...
Yet still a little early
To work...
Where anything could happen...

Denis Streeter 2/26/11

1 comment:

  1. You must've shifted Time by changing beats
    and rhyme -
    no reason!
