Friday, February 18, 2011

Grumble cookies

Grumblebrow under the skin
Grumblebeard outside the skin
"We'll be making cookies"
And the mice kept coming...
First there was floor mouse
Next there was hamper mouse
Then came table mouse
All looking very dapper
Floor mouse the dough
Hamper mouse raisins and oats
Table mouse the almond extract
Grumblebow grumblebeard the grinder til
Raisin oats grumbled just right
Grumbled in bowl, grumbled just right
Floor mouse, hamper mouse, table mouse
Rolled perfect ball dough
Onto the pan in the oven they go
Table set, milk out
Four chairs
Eatings out.


  1. I really like the sense of fun & the unexpected in this one; also the wordplay! I was trying to write something about salmon yesterday - and kept thinking about ladders! See, others can be inspired in different directions by what you write! more of the unexpected...! Chris
    ps. I figured it (the blog) out!

  2. Ah yes...the unexpected tale of a grumblebearded man, three mice, and making cookies. Thanks for you comments! I never know which direction my ladder is tilted.
