Saturday, September 11, 2021


It's a strange world
What do we become
At the end of the week we want to forget
All the unpleasantness
Watch tv
Like Abbot and Costello Meet Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
It's a waste of time
I could be doing something more productive like reading
But writing seems to do more
Of a chronicle
I'm not sure it makes me feel any better
It just makes me recognize more of what I'm feeling
Why I hate work
When I'm not at work, I think about going back to work
How will I deal with that
It's a matter of withstanding mental blows
From customers who smell blood and dare you to make mistakes
So they can punish you
It's true, most people are fine
Perhaps it's all in my mind, but I don't think so
Ultimately it comes down to yourself
How do you protect yourself
From being constantly watched for mistakes
Authority is basically made of stupid rules
Or demeaning principles
You are an actor
The world is watching
It's wearing you down
You need to recharge
How you recharge is up to you
Where will you go
What will you do
Is there prayer
Or Jesus
Or God
That will make everything better
Or just bearable enough
Perhaps it's observing enough
Where love breathes through
There's safe passage

Denis Streeter   9/11/21

Thursday, September 2, 2021


Customer:  I'm looking for a sawhorse
Me:  How much saw could a sawhorse saw if a sawhorse could cut saw.
Customer:  Laughs, then says "Huh?"
Me:  No answer.  It doesn't make sense and I'm not sure it's funny.
Me:  I direct him to tools.

Denis Streeter   9/2/21