Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Scotch Blue

The six pack looks like
A bottle of fine Scotch

Denis Streeter   12/29/21

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

a work pun

 I asked my lumber customer if he wanted a bag, then thought of this:

Q:  What do you call a small bag?
A:   A baguette.
He didn't get it.   Even when I explained how a cigarette is a small cigar.
He was in an all-business mood, so I shrugged my shoulders and let him move on.

Denis Streeter     12/22/21

Saturday, December 11, 2021

Sarcasm equals

I love it when it's busy and no one gives me useful information.  I was trying to unlock something, and my coworker told me to use the unlocking tool in a way that is wrong.  Another told me to cut the tool open with scissors.  Not a chance.  Then the customer tells me it was a gift for his wife.  Shit.  I tell him he can swap it out.  He says can I get that gift wrapped?  I tell him it's not in the warranty and walk away.  Later I find out there is no way for us to unlock that.  It wouldn't have set off any alarms.  They are supposed to use pliers and a wrench to pry it open.  Happy Holidays.  

Denis Streeter   12/11/21