Saturday, March 10, 2012

"I'm a mustache"

That's probably my favorite line in this picture book I just finished reading called "Hubert: The Caterpillar who Thought he was a Mustache"(1967) by Wendy Stang and Susan Richards with illustrations by Robert L. Anderson. A co-worker found this "Denis" book for me on the free table. I had so much fun reading the whole thing aloud to the staff. It brightened my day...and theirs. It's silly and magical and appeals to my sense of life's absurdities. It only takes about five minutes to read aloud. Okay...let me give you a sense of it...

"Hubert was a very mixed-up caterpillar. [illustration]
He thought he was a mustache.
Of course, it's plain to see why.
'I'm a mustache.' [illus.]
When Hubert was at a party,
he was always left alone.
Because when he was introduced as
Hubert The Caterpillar,
he would reply proudly,
'I'm not a caterpillar.
I'm a mustache.'" [2 ill.]

It's very funny as it goes along...and the multiple meanings give it depth.
Find it, because I'm not reading the rest of the story to you.
If you aren't laughing or at least smiling by the time you've finished this oddly poignant story, you're not alive.

Denis Streeter 3/10/12

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