Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Ghost served

October can be a fun and scary month.
Just the time for having a meal of ghost.
This excerpt is from the preface of William Mayne's 1971 anthology of ghost stories.

Different people like their ghost served different ways, roast ghost,
you might say, or ghost on toast, or a slice of cold ghost.  I think
I like ghost to be freshly caught and cooked for the shortest possible
length of time, so that it still has a bit of wriggle in it when I get to it.
Ghost really needs no extra flavoring--its own juice should be enough.
And there's always the problem of first catching the ghost: most of
them are rather historical by the time they come to the reader's eye.
However, the best of them keep very well, and only need a little
trimming and rearranging on the plate.

 From Ghosts, William Mayne, 1971, preface vii

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