Friday, April 22, 2016

Freedom equivocracy

all the freedom and none of the money
that's what the problem said and it had no solution
of course it was a lie that only seemed like truth
like a shape shifter of some illusional reality
or is it delusional
perhaps that will pass spell check
either way it's the thought that counts
which can change at any given time
like two times two equals five
I suppose that is true if you don't know enough
like my bored high school math teacher
who proved that
one plus one equals three
using cosines and sines
and no one could find the error
freedom is an elusive
some think it a disease
something immoral that needs to be stamped out
but there are different types of freedom
there's freedom to take care of yourself instead of meeting the needs of others
now what does that mean
I don't want to go into that now
there's sexual freedom
but there's also consequences
and it becomes a personal balancing act
mixing freedom with responsibility
help, hurt, solve, go
how to decide
a freedom to make your own decision
be your own equivocator
perhaps government
is a large impersonal version of
I don't even know what that means
but perhaps I'm being equivocal
I have the freedom of not being hooked on money
but my mind has baited me
hook line and sinker
that stinker
so I set it sailing and I
somewhere between my center and higher self
is something called love
some call it God
it doesn't matter to me
it's just a term
and thee theology argument begins
the freedom wars
because freedom is also a
love not always

denis streeter   4/22/16

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