Thursday, March 1, 2018

how it's made

the bathroom door hides mirrors
deep in snow unkind
lakes like snowmen steeples
hot on top, slow below
even the showers were null
dressing inside the box
their gravity clear
short between sentences
0 to 20 the court ordered
but it was wrong
shadows grew in ugly faces
filling in fire
perhaps the stores were dying
they didn't have much, the hives were gone 
centuries slide, school dies recovers
sentences without commas trout
flauting their flaut and flaunting about
discovery a poor trainer
didn't know better
sentences snore without meaning
travelling in pairs where pathos hide
groans the dinner bell someone phones
someone answers.  it got the job done
it wasn't poetic, the neighbors know
it's soft as curtains swallowing fleas
sorting vegetables in short white sleeves
ketchup flows
sand showing ears in opening doors
you can lock up the hammer fly the flea
the bathrooms wise
leaking what's left behind
watering each hose tight
close when the talking begins
dissolving fixtures icing hot 
turn the corner you're one behind
more waiting in your cup
drowning in sorrow the hammer fly flea
left the doors open
it's time to go
let them out
the hemmings free

denis streeter   3/1/18

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