Wednesday, January 30, 2019

potential ending

the air force was beyond blameless
just a figment of the sky
writing seems pointless
it wandered on and on
figures beyond the horizon
let drag ons be bygones
the suitcase reproof
supper ensues
more red than white
more dice than pickled
more yoked than white
leftovers look better
pick up your dice and roll again
there's stew on the horizon
leap on that plane and go
it's here and there
destination unknown
a fickle pickle knows it
next beyond x why z
whooda thought pickles knew pleasure
cradling oysters oxbow stew
tripping the brain and dressing the brow
odd overboard but it comes that way
easter steeples and all that
where are all the peoples?
no service yet
breakfast feast and berry your brain
you put on that comfort cat
it's over there. hiding.
remove the fresco mole in wall
it's no cat and mouse
more mole and less otter
check the squalor control button
is it working?
it's under the wood in the basement
careful of splinters
they like to get under your skin
check your right elbow.  is it still there?
the dryer is empty.  check the snore button
it's in the dishwasher
careful of the static.  there's no rug left
careful of the questions nobody asked
add a little gravel
gravel grinds grates alliterate
but not asexual.  too much umbrage
cat caught the pickle.  let it go
wagging the tale
it must end

denis streeter   1/30/19

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