Sunday, October 2, 2011

Shadow breakers

Sunday was a good day of dancing with the Eclectic Cloggers in Issaquah. Fun performance and the comfort of being with good friends. Then I watched "Donnie Darko" and the tv series "Breaking Bad" at 10 PM. Perhaps the totality of this went into...

Shadow breakers

Until the rooms went into hiding
The dragons went out
One by one
Soon as fossil fuel
And the dinosaurs raged
Their reserves dried up
Wandering ghettoes
Full of unharnessed rage
And the people came
Filling their rage
With the rage to come
Full of unfulfillment
Expectations diminished
And the cattle prods stop
Human cattle from excremating
The excrement from their mouth
Full of wonder
How it got this way
And the ghettoes opened
Much the same way
With bee stings and ivy
Hope attached to the osprey
And the wings hovered
Not large enough to fly
And the sea anemones sank
The ocean floor drank
The litter box below
Until there was no more
Until it opened up
The tranquil peace dissolved
The war begun
In the middle of the desert
To present itself
To its oppressor
Just when the snake appeared
In the garden of Eden
Appearing in our lives
The worm holes of regret
The futures we see
But do not understand
Never seeing the whole picture
Just a part of the human experiment
What we call love
What we call hate
And all inbetween
Some balance beam
Some Jimmy Beam
Why whiskey you say
It's hard and it's easy
It knocks you off your shelf
To some unrefined self you think is real
And then you are full
And don't know what to do
But you keep trying don't you
You keep trying because there's nothing left
When you wonder
There is no God
Only drink
And your mind
You can control your mind 80% of the time
But what of that 20% of the time
What will you do with that
What will that do to you
I guess that's what friends and therapy are for
It's just a number
How will you control that
When there is no one around
Not even your God
What will you do
To turn that 20% around
It's just a number
But you made it up
Turned it on
Gave it energy
Let it go
What will you do then
What will you do now
I'm just a prospector
What are you speculating
Your fears
Your powers
Your words
What they lack
How will you hold up
What is there
What is you
I feel your fears
They are baseless
You don't know
They are emotions taking over your rational mind
Fear is an emotion, but
Emotions are not fear
It's not some commutative mathematical equation
Your just becoming
More aware
What will that awareness
Become you

Denis Streeter 10/3/11