Wednesday, March 2, 2011

How to spell love

Traffic works in outside my mind
Warping to places I do not know
Time the outside ingredient
To recipes I can not spell
I hoard them in my pocket
Work them to decipher
Whatever moons and stars may be in them
And in the confusion that lasts
Just a short while
I put that in my pocket too
Pray over my discontinuity
That I might take my own advice
When darkness comes not hide in the shadows
That other may see me to pull me out
That I might let them
And the compassion I have for others
I should have for myself
Listen for the murmur
Sounds too New Age
What comes to pull you out of the darkness
You don't always have to understand
Or its origin in you
That time will come
Let go of your control
So what's known can grow more
Release and breath
Sounds too New Age
Pulling back pulling back
Into myself
Pulling me out
Pulling you out
There is no why.

Denis Streeter 3/2/11

1 comment:

  1. I like this one a lot, Denis. The words have a feeling of breathing - pulling in, pulling out, release, breathe. Let go of your control - I like the internal rhymes, too. I can relate to what you are saying. Nice work!
